An Intelligence Framework
A few years ago, we set out to create a product to transform the way organizations build, publish and integrate intelligence. Today, we have come along to see this in use in the commerce, accounting, health and lottery spaces.
Build, Publish, Integrate
Iriki introduces easy to use and powerful ways of working with data from new projects in design, through current workhorses needing upgrades to ancient silos of precious information.
Build Data Models
The Iriki framework is an easy way to build the network of models which underguird most modern applications using PHP 5.6/7, REST, Unit tests, Composer, Mongo.
Publish Existing Data
Provide the efficiency of your already running application to others who might benefit from its use. Business processes and best practices, open source data, crowdsourced information.
Import the strengths of already designed applications and save time off re-inventing the wheel. User and access level management, social logins, authentication and recovery.